Disclaimer: this is amateur hour - I'm not a nutritionist, dietitian, trainer, etc.
just a food blogger with time on her hands
just a food blogger with time on her hands
Although this isn't my health and food blog, and this is an idea that is still in the very beginning stages of development, I have been taking mental notes for a while know on what I've come to think of as "The Spa Diet".
It's more a lifestyle than a diet, focusing on eating clean and exercising regularly - all with the mindset that you are treating yourself.
When I think of a spa, I think of "me time" and everything being fresh and clean and relaxing while giving a sense of renewal and energy. In practical, everyday application, this would translate into eating healthy, fresh food, exercising everyday without feeling like you're dying, and pampering yourself in little ways. To take it one step further...
imagine waking up in a clean bedroom with the morning light pouring in through the window. You make a big breakfast for yourself while Alexi Murdoch and Damien Rice plays in the background. Egg white omelette with all the fixings, whole wheat toast, steaming coffee or tea, fresh fruit...
...Get ready for the day, sip on a refreshing glass of water. Get things done, be productive. Make a healthy lunch - a big yummy salad, something full of energy before you go to the gym. Pack your gym bag, throw a clementine in there for an extra boost, load your favorite songs onto your ipod, run a couple miles, work your abs and your arms with those non-initimidating five-pound weights. Get home, shower, light your favorite candle, feel clean and refreshed, make yourself a smoothie....
and, of course, give yourself a little bit of time in your day to sit down and blog your heart out
It could go on and on... and honestly, that sounds like the life to me.