Sunday, December 9, 2012

A New Home ... Or Maybe Just a Small Apartment Escape

Finals week fast approaching, I woke up this morning (if 4:30 am counts as morning) unable to sleep from dreams of organic chemistry dancing in my head. What do people usually do on a Sunday "morning" with no tv, no car, and absolutely no will to continue studying? Blog.

"I Heart Food" has been my pride and joy since the summer of 2011, and has resided on Tumblr until this point. Not to turn my back on that beloved site, but I've considered the transition, and I think it will bring only joy and whimsy (it's the 3.5-hours-of-sleep talking).

Spring 2011 photo shoot for my Seventeen thumbnail - student apartment kitchens  never looked so shiny

For those of you who need to be brought up to speed, I created I Heart Food simply based on the fact that I do, indeed, love food, and I especially love the photography aspect of being in creative control throughout the entire process. Stemming from these passions, the blog became geared towards health and (some fitness) - a blog about eating in a blogosphere of many girls that thought food was the enemy.

I grew up playing sports my whole life, and my blog would never have been a representation of me if health and fitness hadn't been integrated. I strive to provide an experience that is welcoming, entertaining, and inspiring. (Yet sarcasm, dry humor, and even facetiousness are inevitable.) 

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